Fisherman and his boat.

Typical Malaysian fishing boat, the smaller coastal kind.

The Gordian knot?

Cool looking "dude" on a riding on the jetty.

Political party flags being proudly displayed at Kuala Sungai Pinang. Wow.

Mangrove forest crabber at Kuala Sungai Pinang.

Fishermen flooring the pedal.

Junior at Pantai Kerachut's Turtle Conservation Center. Just hatched. Kawaii overload!

Autumn has come! Not. Bridge at the Meromitic Lake.

Rachel's feet and her sandy sandals.

Lighthouse at Muka Head. 43 steps to the top!

Local ladies digging for mussels at Sungai Tukun.

Finally, back to port!

My legs still hurt from the trekking up to the lighthouse. Ouch.